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Building a Nature Space

How might creating a nature space benefit you and your community? Some tangible results of connecting with nature are rejuvenation and increased attention. Fatigue and stress lessen, while productivity, problem-solving and mastery skills improve. Decision-making and self-discipline improve, and connecting with nature fosters creativity and personality development. Healing is enhanced while childhood diagnoses are reduced.  

Simply put, humans benefit from a connection with nature. And not only do we benefit from it, we scientifically need it (Check out our Benefits of Nature page to learn more about this hypothesis!) We strongly encourage you to look at some of the research data we have compiled on our studies page. You will find the results quite moving and inspiring as you build your own space!  

This video delves into how to build a pollinator habitat, while providing useful steps for preparing any nature space. Continue reading for more details on the process.

Building a Pollinator Habitat with Keeler Gardens
Building a Pollinator Habitat with Keeler Gardens by Gina Ilipoulos

Keeler Gardens is here to help you build your own nature space!

Providing a nature space for our community is only the first part of our mission — we also strive to inspire and support the growth of similar spaces across the city. We believe that connecting with nature is a much needed foundation and is possible for everyone. You can join this movement by creating a nature space in your very own front yard, for yourself and the community at large. Let us walk you through the process. It may seem like a lot, if we take it step by step you can build something incredible.

What to Consider 

Setting Your Intentions: This is the basis for your entire plan! How do you want the space to be used? Are you building it for specific insects or plants? Who will this space support and how will it be supported? 

Site: This is the easy part. Once you know your space many parameters become clear. Where is the space and what is it’s shape and size? Do you know the soil quality? Is there anything already in the space; what stays and what goes? 

Budget: What resources do you already have to build your space? How might you take advantage of the resources around you to build your space? How can Keeler Gardens connect you with resources?

Design: This part does require a creative spirit, and along with the parameters set by the answers to the previous questions you will start to put a picture together. What plants will you choose? Where will you put them? Will there be a seating area or other ornamental touches might you add? Draw a blueprint of the space with every aspect you desire. Keeler Gardens can assist with this step as it often helps to have a team to solidify the vision.

Installation: This is actually a multi-step process…What do you need to do to prepare the site? Clear out the space, check for utilities, amend the soil? Do you have structures, paths, or other plans that need to be completed before the actual plant materials are installed? What do you need to acquire for the plant installation? Plants, soil, mulch, labor, tools, plan for watering? In the final stage plants are placed in their intended design and planted to become your new nature space!  

We encourage you ask any questions you may have along the way so we can offer you insights. There are so many easy and amazing ways we can improve our lives by inviting other living things in. Let us show you what we have done, what we have to offer, what we hope our community will accomplish, and how we can inspire your community, too. 

Connect With Nature

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