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Fall Gardening

It may seem that the garden season is winding down but this is a great time to be gardening.  There is much to do in this cool wet weather.  It’s the perfect time to divide and transplant.  If you find you have extra plants, there is always a neighbor that can use them.  Do some trading and next year you’ll have more to show.

It is also a good time to plant trees and shrubs.  I will be posting pictures and plans for a project that is being installed next week that has seven big plants and hundreds of bulbs going in.

There is still plenty of time to plant bulbs.  As long as the ground is not frozen you can get the bulbs in and they will bloom in the spring.  We’ll talk about planting bulbs in a future post.

This leads me to remind everyone about their garden journal.  We talked a while back about documenting your garden in every season.  Go back and look at your spring photos and notes.  Where do you want to add plants?  Where do you have bulbs that you need to be aware of when transplanting?  What areas in the summer, and even now, need work that you can address so next year you reap the benefits?  See, so much to do still!

Any fall projects you would like to hear about or talk about let me know and I’ll post. Enjoy this blustery and exciting time of year and come back to see the how the big install is coming along.

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