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More of the Midwest Gardeniere

Great news everyone!  There are more new Gardeniere videos online to watch.  I want to thank everyone for spreading the word and for all the compliments.  Filming has been very exciting and rewarding.

A few posts ago I showed some pictures of the projects we worked on early this fall.  The newest video shows how I planned and put together a fall themed garden design using accents in the color blue. Click here to watch on YouTube or go to my Midwest Gardeniere page and push play.

The other new Gardenieres video talks about sun and shade plants in rail planters that I designed early this summer.  It’s a great transformation from tired withered plants to colorful summer flowers filling up the planters.  Again, click here watch or go to my Midwest Gardeniere page and push play.

I’ve been talking about a design project for a while now and that’s what I’ve been working on this past week.  I took an empty front yard and turned it into multi-season garden.  Tune in for the next post to get all the details and before and after photos!

Thanks so much for your support.  I love to hear comments and suggestions so send them my way.


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